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Legislative and Governance Reforms                    

  • The State Government has formulated “Voluntary Compliance Scheme” under various Labour Laws, vide its Notification dated 23rd March, 2015, with the objective of instilling confidence among the enterprises to self-comply with Labour Laws by reducing the number of inspections and the burden in filing returns and other forms without compromising safety, health, social security, welfare and working conditions of the workers.


  • The Government has formulated “Online Inspection Scheme, vide its Order dated 4th November, 2016, whereby uploading of inspection report is within 48 hours with the objective of bringing in transparency and accountability in labour inspections,



  • The Government has prescribed time-limits for delivery of a number of entitlements to workers and other administration actions during some mishappening under various Labour Laws, vide its Notification dated 16th December, 2011.