Maternity benefit scheme for female beedi, imc, lsdm and cine workers.
This scheme has been evolved with a view to assisting female
beedi, IMC, LSDM and Cine Workers in maternity. The details of the scheme
are given in the following paragraphs.
A female beedi, IMC, LSDM and Cine Worker will be
entitled to the maternity benefit under the scheme twice in her life time
provided she has been a beedi, IMC, LSDM and Cine
Worker for at least six months before the delivery for which the benefit is
The maternity benefit will be available to the beneficiary in the form of lump
sum grant of Rs. 1000/- per delivery for the first two deliveries.
Reimbursement Procedure
Eligible female beedi, IMC, LSDM and Cine Worker shall
submit ordinarily within six months from the date of birth of the child in the
prescribed Performa at Annexure-I, an application to the Welfare Commissioner
concerned enclosing therewith the following documents:
i. A birth
certificate of the child born, which the authority as will issue prescribed by
the State Government.
ii. A certificate (as per Annexure II) to the effect that she is beedi, IMC, LSDM and Cine Worker. This will be issued by the
employer failing which by a Gazetted Officer of the
Labour Welfare Organization. The Doctor In charge of the dispensary will
issue the certificate, preferably, after checking records maintained for the
The welfare Commissioner after verification of the above documents shall
sanction and pay to the beneficiary an amount of Rs.1,000/-
by money order under intimation to the
Form Download - Maternity benefit scheme for female beedi, imc, lsdm and cine workers.