Scheme for grant-in-aid from the limestone and dolomite mines welfare fund for
provision of sports grounds
1.The scheme provides for payment of
financial assistance from the fund to limestone and dolomite mine owners for provision
of sports grounds for the relaxation and recreation of limestone and dolomite
mine workers and their dependents. The financial assistance will be a
grant-in-aid, payable on a matching basis, subject to a maximum of Rs.3,000 /- in each case. The grant-in-aid will be admissible
only for provision of sports ground where the concentration of workers is not
less than 250. The mine management to whom the grant-in-aid will be paid will
maintain the sports ground in good condition.
2.Application for the grant-in-aid should
be made in the prescribed form, copy enclosed. Detailed estimates with site
plan indicating the place where the sports ground is proposed to be located,
should be furnished along with the application (each in triplicate). The welfare and cess commissioner will arrange for technical scrutiny of
the estimated and also satisfy himself about the suitability of the site,
before sanctioning the grant-in-aid in consultation with the finance
sub-committee and the advisory committee.
On receipt of sanction for
grant-in-aid, the mine management will execute an agreement (bond) on a
non-judicial stamp paper of proper value. A specimen copy of the agreement is
3. That the ground shall be used by the aforesaid mining
accompany for games and sports in the mining areas.
4.That the ground shall be made available by the said mining
company to the welfare and cess commissioner,
limestone and dolomite mines labour welfare fund or
his representatives, as and when required, for conducting games and sports or
any other purpose.
5.That the ground shall also be made available to other
limestone and dolomite mines on request, if the ground be not required by the
said mining company.
6.That payment of the grant shall be made in two installments
the first installment of 75% of the grant on completion of the work and the
second installment of remaining 25% of the grant after scrutiny of proper
accounts which shall be authorized by the second party to the first party
supported with necessary vouchers.
7.That the purpose for which the grant is made shall be duly
and promptly executed within a period of three months from the date of
8.That the money shall be utilized for the purpose for which
it has been granted. The grant-in-aid sanctioned for the purpose for which they
are originally granted should no t be diverted to other institution for
utilization the same or similar object and execution of the same entrusted to
another institution or organization. In case the grantee, it self is not in a
position to execute or to complete the assignment, the grantee will forthwith
refund to this organization the entire amount of grant-in-aid received by it.
9.That any particulars which the limestone and dolomite mines
welfare and cess commissioner may from time to time
require for the proper discharge of its responsibilities with regard to the
grant shall be duly and promptly supplied.
10.That all necessary facilities shall be afforded for inspection
by the welfare and cess commissioner on any person
authorized by him for the purpose of clauses 4 and 5 or for checking the correctness of any particulars
that may have supplied under clause (6) or for collection of any such
11.That proper account of the money granted shall be kept and
submitted to audit by such persons as the welfare and cess
commissioner may authorizes in this behalf.
12.That an audited statement of account together with a
certificate of a registered accountant or other recognized body of auditors to
the effect that the accounts are correct is furnished by the grantee.
13.That the amount of grant meant for purchases of articles
materials shall be utilized for payment to the lowest tender out of at least
three quotations obtained from the marker.
14.That the mine management shall undertake to maintain the sport
ground set up with the grant-in-aid from the fund for a period of at least 10
years shall not utilize the piece of land for any other purposes without the
previous approval of the welfare and cess
commissioner during that period.
15.That the articles purchased wholly or substantially out of the
grant-in-aid from the limestone and dolomite mines labour
welfare fund shall not be disposed of encumbered or utilized for purposes other
then those for which they are meant.
16.That a register in the enclosed perform of the permanent and
semi-permanent assets acquired wholly or mainly out of this grant shall be
maintained and produced for inspection on demand by the welfare and cess commissioner or any person authorized by him.
17.Any portion of the amount of the grant-in-aid paid from the
organization which is not ultimately required for expenditure upon the object
for the grant-in-aid shall be duly surrendered to this organization.
Form Download - Scheme for grant-in-aid from the limestone and dolomite mines welfare fund for
provision of sports grounds