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Tenders from Archive
S.No Title/Ref.Nosort descending Expiry Date Download
51 Inviting e-bid/s for appointment of a consulting agency for National Career Service project. 22/06/2023 727.63 KB
52 Inviting tender for removal of obsolete items of office equipments such as Photocopier, Fan and AC etc. -reg(22 Feb 2018) 14/03/2019 817.87 KB
53 Inviting tender for removal of obsolete items of office equipments such as furniture desktops, ac, desert coolers, hot cases, photocopier etc 12/03/2018 866.31 KB
54 List of Eligible / Technically Qualified Bidders in respect of Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5321478 dated 23.08.2024. 10/11/2024 9.18 KB
55 List of Eligible / Technically Qualified Bidders in respect of Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5332828 dated 27.08.2024 for Selection of Agency for Third Party Evaluation of e-Shram, NCS and NCSC-SC/ST Schemes of Ministry of Labour & Employment 30/11/2024 10.27 KB
56 lnviting tender for removal of obsolete items of office equipments such as Furniture, Desktops, Photocopier etc. - regarding.(8/10/2021) 28/10/2021 2.61 MB
57 Notice inviting tender through e-procurement for Creation of National Platform of unorganized workers and allotment of an Aadhaar seeded identification number 12.06.2018 23/07/2018 3.9 MB
58 On-line e-tender for Annual Contract for the upkeep and maintenance of cleanlines and sanitation in the premises of MOL&E 16/05/2016 2.81 MB
59 Online e-tender for Annual Contract for Mechanised cleaning, upkeep and maintenance of the premises of Ministry of Labour and Employment in Shram Shakti Bhawan and Jaisalmer House.(26 Feb 2019) 19/03/2019 2.76 MB
60 Procurement of Stationery and Sanitary items for a period of one year 06/06/2016 5.57 MB
