Page 14 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 14

As we navigate the dynamic currents of globalization and liberalization,
                  our  commitment  to  welfare  and  social  security  remains  unwavering.
                  Labour laws, both enacted and implemented, serve as the bedrock upon
                  which our convergence efforts stand. We acknowledge the pivotal role
                  played by State Governments, for labour is not just a subject of governance
                  but a shared responsibility.

                  In the spirit of this document, we urge every stakeholder from policymakers
                  to  workers  to  embrace  this  culture  of  convergence.  Together,  we  can
                  create an environment where every worker’s rights are protected, where
                  opportunities  are  equal,  and  where  progress  is  inclusive.  With  this
                  document, we set forth on a collective journey toward a brighter and fairer
                  future for our workforce and our nation.
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