Page 15 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 15


                ALC            Assistant Labour Commissioner
                AWC            Assistant Welfare Commissioner
                AFIH           Associate Fellow of Industrial Health
                CGHS           Central Government Health Scheme

                CGIT           Central Government Industrial Tribunal
                CPSUs          Central Public Sector Undertakings
                CCA            Chief Controller of Accounts
                CLC            Chief Labour Commissioner
                CLI            Central Labour Institute
                CPFC           Central Provident Fund Commissioner
                CSC            Common Service Centre
                DTNBWED        Dattopant Thengadi National Board for Workers Education and
                DARPG          Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances
                DWC            Deputy Welfare Commissioner
                DBT            Direct Benefit Transfer
                DG             Director General
                DGLW           Directorate General Labour Welfare
                DGE            Directorate General of Employment
                DGFASLI        Directorate General of Factory Advice Service & Labour Institutes
                DGMS           Directorate General of Mines Safety
                EPFO           Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
                ESIC           Employees’ State Insurance Corporation
                FTE            Fixed Term Employment
                JS             Joint Secretary
                IR             Industrial Relations

                IT             Information Technology
                IFD            Integrated Finance Division
                ILO            International Labour Organization
                LB             Labour Bureau
                LEO            Labour Enforcement Officer
                LWO            Labour Welfare Organisation
                LIMBS          Legal Information Management Briefing Systems
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