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Equal Remuneration Acts and Rules, 1976

Equal Remuneration Act, 1976

The implementation of the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 is done at two levels.

Central Sphere: The Act is being implemented by the Central Government in relation to any employment carried on by or under the authority of the Central Government or a railway administration, or in relation to a banking company, a mine, oil field or major port or any corporation established by or under a Central Act. In the Central sphere, the enforcement of Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 is entrusted to the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) who heads the Central Industrial Relations Machinery (CIRM). The Central Government has appointed Labour Enforcement Officers as Inspectors for the purpose of making investigation by causing production of relevant registers/records as to whether the provisions of the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 are being complied with by the employers, who are required to maintain the roll of employee in Form-D. Assistant Labour Commissioners have been appointed as authorities for the purpose of hearing and deciding complaints with regard to the contravention of any provision of the Act, claims arising out of nonpayment of wages at equal rate to men and women workers. The Regional Labour Commissioners have been appointed as appellate authorities to hear complaints in respect of cases decided by the ALCs.

State Sphere: In respect of all employments other than those where the Central Government is the appropriate Government, the implementation rests with the State Governments.In the case of employments where the State Government are appropriate authorities, the enforcement of the provisions of the E.R.Act, 1976 is done by the officials of the State Labour Department. The Central Government monitors the implementation of the provisions of the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 by the State Governments.

Central/State Advisory Committee

A Central Advisory Committee has been set up at the Centre under the Act to advise the Government on providing increasing employment opportunities for women and generally reviewing the steps taken for effective implementation of the Act. The Committee has been reconstituted vide Gazette Notification dated 12.10.2010. The first meeting of re-constituted Committee was held on 22.02.2011 under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble LEM.

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For more Details on Equal Remuneration Act and Rules, Please click below on the appropriate link:
S.No. Title Download
1 Equal Remuneration Act (Download 119.17 KB)(Year 1976) Download(0.12 MB)pdf
2 Equal Remuneration Rules (Download 97.25 KB) (11.03.1976) Download(0.09 MB)pdf
3 The Central Advisory Committee on Equal Remuneration Rules, 1991 (Download 331.99 KB) Download(0.42 MB)pdf