Page 23 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 23

Ministry of Labour and Employment: An Overview

                     employee  and  the  employer  can engage  a worker without  intervention
                     of  a  contractor.  An  FTE  worker  will  be  entitled  to  all  benefits  like  a
                     permanent worker. Further, an FTE worker has also been allowed benefit
                     of proportionate gratuity even if the contract is for a period of one year.
               ii.   A long pending demand of the trade unions to provide them statutory
                     recognition has been considered by including a concept of ‘Negotiating
                     Union’  and  ‘Negotiating  Council’.  It  will  facilitate  negotiation  between
                     employer and employees.
               iii.   To facilitate ease of doing business and catalyse the creation of employment
                     opportunities,  the  Code  removes  requirement  of  prior  permission  of
                     appropriate Government for seeking permission for lay-off, retrenchment
                     and closure of a factory, mine and plantation having less than 300 workers.
                     The Code increases the threshold for applicability of the chapter related to
                     Standing Order to 300 against 100 at present.

               iv.   Requirement of a notice period of 14 days has been incorporated for strikes
                     and lockouts in any establishment. This criterion, at present, is only for
                     public utility services.
               v.    The  definition  of  “strike”  has  been  amended  to  include  “mass  casual
                     leave”also within its ambit.
      The Code on Social Security, 2020
               i.    The coverage of Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) can be
                     extended pan India to all establishments employing 10 or more employees
                     as against notified districts/ areas.
               ii.   The Code envisages extension of ESIC benefits to the employees working
                     in  establishments  with  less  than  10  employees  on  voluntary  basis  and
                     on mandatory basis through notification by the Central Government for
                     employees working in hazardous industries. Further, ESIC coverage can
                     also be extended to plantations on option exercised by the employer.

               iii.   To cater to emerging new forms of employment, new definitions like of
                     aggregator, gig worker, platform worker have been introduced. A small
                     contribution  from  aggregator  between  one  to  two  per  cent  of  turnover
                     subject to limit of five per cent payable to gig and platform workers has
                     been introduced.
               iv.   A Social Security Fund is proposed to be established to formulate schemes
                     for social security to the workers of unorganised sector.
      The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020

               i.    The Code rationalises the compliance mechanism with one license, one
                     registration and one return for the establishments.

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