Page 28 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 28

Handbook on Convergence: Ministry of Labour and Employment

               2.2.  Divisions/ Sections of the Ministry

                 S.   Name of the        Officers’ details             Responsibility
                No.   Division/ Section
                1.    Administration-I   •  Joint Secretary    Primarily  responsible  for  all
                      Section               (Administration)   establishment/  administrative/
                                         •  Deputy Secretary   personnel/  service  matters  in
                                                               respect of officers.

                2.    Administration-II   •  Joint Secretary   Matters  related  to  House  rent
                      Section               (Administration)   allowances,  CGHS,  telephone
                                         •  Director (Admin-   bills, All Advances excluding TA
                                                               advance,  accommodation,  LTC,
                                            II)                Procurement, Staff cars, Canteen
                3.    Budget and         •  Joint Secretary &   Preparation of Detailed Demand
                      Accounts Section      Financial Adviser   for  Grants  of  Ministry,  review
                                         •  Chief Controller of   the progress of expenditure, etc.
                                            Accounts (CCA)
                                         •  Deputy Secretary
                4.    Cash Section       •  Joint Secretary    Handling    of   Cash    and
                                         •  Deputy Secretary   Maintenance  of  Cash  Book,
                                            (Cash)             Pay  Bill  Register,  Acquaintance
                                                               Rolls,  Contingent  Register  &
                                                               Bill  Registers  etc.,  Drawls  of
                                                               Money  from  Government  and
                                                               Disbursement  of  all  types  of
                                                               payments like Salary, T.A./ D.A./
                                                               OTA/  various  Advances  and
                                                               retirement benefits to officials of
                                                               Main Secretariat.
                5.    Central Labour     •  Joint Secretary    Administrative  matters  related
                      Service I & II     •  Deputy Secretary   to  Central  Labour  Service  and
                      Section               (CLS-I & II)       Central  Government  Industrial
                                                               Tribunal  (CGIT)-cum-  Labour
                6.    Child and Women    •  Joint Secretary    Deals with all matters related to
                      Labour             •  Director (C&WL)    child labour & women labour.

                7.    Bonded Labour      •  Joint Secretary    Implementation  of  the  Bonded
                      Section            •  Director (BL)      Labour  System  (Abolition)  Act,
                                                               1976  and  Rules  framed  there
                                                               under   and    implementation
                                                               of  the  Central  sector  scheme
                                                               for  Rehabilitation  of  Bonded

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