Result Framework Document
The Prime Minister approved the outline of a “Performance Monitoring and Evaluation System (PMES) for Government Departments” vide PMO I.D. No. 1331721/PMO/2009-Pol dated 11.09.2009.
Under PMES, each department is required to prepare a Results Framework Document (RFD). An RFD provides a summary of the most important results that a Department / Ministry expects to achieve during the financial year. This document has two main purposes: (a) move the focus of the department from process-orientation to result-orientation, and (b) provide an objective and fair basis to evaluate Department’s overall performance at the end of the year.
A RFD document contains not only the agreed objectives, policies, programs and projects but also success indicators and targets to measure progress in implementing them
The Ministry of Labour & Employment prepared RFD Documents from 2009-10 till 2014-15 as per the guidelines / directions of Performance Management Division (PMD), Cabinet Secretariat. These documents can be accessed on the following links: