Page 35 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
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Organisational Structure, Functions and Mapping of Offices

                 S.   Name of the        Officers’ details             Responsibility
                No.   Division/ Section
                41.   Industrial Relations  •  Joint Secretary   Policy   matters   relating   to
                      (Policy Legal)        (Industrial        Industrial  Disputes  Act,  1947
                      (Desk) (IR-PL)        Relations)         and  Industrial  Relations  Code,
                                         •  Director (IR-PL)   2020,  Trade  Unions  Act,  1926,
                                                               Plantation  Labour  Act,  1951,
                                                               Shops    and   Establishments
                                                               Act,  Industrial  Employment
                                                               (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
                42.   Industrial Relation   •  Joint Secretary   (I).  Examinations  of  failure
                      Division (Bank-I      (Industrial        of    Conciliation    Reports
                      &Bank-II), (Coal      Relations)         submitted  by  the  Chief  Labour
                      Mines-I &Coal                            Commissioner  (Central)  and
                      Mines -II),        •  Director {IR (C-I &   referring the industrial disputes
                      Departmental          C-II) & IR(Misc.)}  under  section  10  and  12  (5)  of
                      Undertaking (DU)   •  Director {IR       the Industrial Disputes Act,1947
                      and Misc.             (Bank-I & Bank-II)  to  the  Central  Govt.  Industrial
                                            & IR(DU)}          Tribunals,  National  Industrial
                                                               Tribunal, Industrial Tribunal or
                                                               Labour Courts for adjudication.
                                                               (II).  Publication  of  Awards
                                                               passed  by  the  above  Tribunals
                                                               and  Courts  in  Gazette  of  India
                                                               under  Sec.  17  of  Industrial
                                                               Disputes Act, 1947.
                                                               (III).   Consideration     of
                                                               applications   received   from
                                                               various  Mines  Establishments
                                                               for permission for Retrenchment,
                                                               Lay-Off  and  Closure  under  the
                                                               provisions  of  the  Industrial
                                                               Disputes Act, 1947.
                43.   Labour Welfare                           Looking after Contract labour,
                      (LW) Section,                            Central Advisory & Contract
                      DGLW                                     Labour Board

                44.   Shram Suvidha                            Shram    Suvidha   Portal   is
                      Portal (SSP)                             developed to facilitate reporting
                                                               of  Inspections,  and  submission
                                                               of  Returns.  It  is  a  single  point
                                                               of  contact  between  employer,
                                                               employee   and    enforcement
                                                               agencies bringing in transparency
                                                               in  their  day-to-day  interactions.
                                                               It  serves  for  integration  of  data
                                                               among    various   enforcement
                                                               agencies  and  each  inspectable
                                                               unit  under  any  Labour  Law
                                                               has  been  assigned  one  Labour
                                                               Identification Number (LIN).

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