Page 33 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 33

Organisational Structure, Functions and Mapping of Offices

                 S.   Name of the        Officers’ details             Responsibility
                No.   Division/ Section
                31.   Labour Reforms     •  DDG                Four  Labour  Codes  and  its
                      Cell               •  Deputy Secretary   coordination,     preparation
                                            (LRC)              of  Rules  under  IR  Code,
                                                               coordination  with  States  on
                                                               Labour Codes.
                32.   Disaster           •  Joint Secretary    Developing           Disaster
                      Management Cell    •  Director (Disaster   Management   Plan   for   the
                                            Management)        organisations   under     the
                33.   DBT Cell           •  Chief Controller of  DBT  Cell  is  coordinating  and
                                            Accounts (CCA)     monitoring  the  progress  of
                                                               DBT  in  the  Ministry  as  per  the
                                                               directions/  instructions  of  DBT
                34.   Official Language   •  DDG               Implementation     of     the
                                         •  Joint Director (OL)  Official  Language  Policy  of
                                                               the   Government   of   India
                                                               and  translation  of  important
                                                               documents such as papers to be
                                                               placed  before  the  Parliament,
                                                               Labour Laws, Labour Codes, Bills,
                                                               Hon’ble Labour & Employment
                                                               Minister’s   Speeches,   Press
                                                               release  etc.  and  other  routine
                                                               work of the Ministry.
                35.   Results Framework  •  Joint Secretary    Matters  related  to  Citizens’
                      Document (RFD)     •  Director (RFD)     Charter.
                36.   IT Cell            •  Sr. Labour and     Information  Technology  (IT)
                                            Employment         related  matters  of  the  Ministry
                                            Adviser (SLEA)     in close coordination with NIC.
                                         •  Deputy Secretary   The work includes maintenance
                                            (IT Cell)          of  e-office,  development  and
                                                               maintenance    of   Ministry’s
                                                               website,  VCs,  Maintenance  of
                                                               dashboards,  etc.  Dissemination
                                                               and     Implementation     of
                                                               e-governance   policies   and
                                                               initiatives  under  Digital  India,
                                                               MEITY and DARPG.

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