Page 34 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 34

Handbook on Convergence: Ministry of Labour and Employment

                 S.   Name of the        Officers’ details             Responsibility
                No.   Division/ Section
                37.   Central Registry   •  Deputy Secretary   Receipt  of  dak,  Distribution
                      (CR)                  (CR)               of  dak  received  in  section  to
                                                               different   sections/   officers,
                                                               Dispatch of dak.
                38.   Industrial Relations  •  Joint Secretary   Recognition  of  unions  in  the
                      – Implementation-     (Industrial        Central  Sphere,  Verification  of
                      I i.e. IR (Imp-I)     Relations)         membership of unions. General
                                         •  Director {IR       verification  of  membership  of
                                            (Imp-I)}           trade  unions.  Implementation
                                                               of  awards  under  the  Industrial
                                                               Disputes Act.
                39.   Industrial Relations  •  Joint Secretary   Monitoring   of   information
                      – Implementation-     (Industrial        on  industrial  relations  in  the
                      II i.e IR (Imp-II)    Relations)         State  sphere  and  analysis  of
                                         •  Director {IR       statistics  on  industrial  relations
                                            (Imp-I)}           and   general   appraisals   on
                                                               industrial  relations,  creation
                                                               of  a  computerised  information
                                                               network on industrial relations,
                                                               Plan  scheme  on  industrial
                                                               relations monitoring unit at the
                40.   Industrial Relations  •  Joint Secretary   Monitoring  and  compiling  data
                      (Policy) General)     (Industrial        on  Industrial  Relations,  status
                      (IR-PG)               Relations)         of  non-payment  of  statutory
                                         •  Director {IR       dues  in  respect  of  workers  in
                                            (Imp-I)}           CPSUs.  Restructuring/  revival/
                                                               closure of Central Public Sector
                                                               Undertakings  (CPSUs),  repeal
                                                               of Sick Industries Company Act,
                                                               Competition  Bill,  Companies
                                                               Amendment  Bill,  etc.,  Issues
                                                               on  Disinvestment  of  Central
                                                               Public   Sector   Undertakings,
                                                               Examination    of   proposals
                                                               received from State Government
                                                               or Central Ministries for referring
                                                               industrial disputes (in the State
                                                               sphere)  for  adjudication  by  a
                                                               National Tribunal.

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