Page 30 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 30

Handbook on Convergence: Ministry of Labour and Employment

                 S.   Name of the        Officers’ details             Responsibility
                No.   Division/ Section
                16.   Media cell         •  Joint Secretary    Publicity   and   Information
                                         •  Director (Media)   dissemination through print and
                                                               electronic media.

                17.   Economic and       •  SLEA               ESA Section handles the matters
                      Statistical Analysis   •  Economic Adviser   in  respect  of  V.V.  Giri  National
                      (ESA)              •  Deputy Secretary   Labour   Institute   (VVGNLI),
                                            (Labour Bureau)    Noida,  DTNBWED  and  Labour
                                         •  Joint Secretary    Bureau.
                                         •  Deputy
                                            Secretary {ESA
                                         •  Deputy Secretary
                                            {ESA (VVGNLI)}
                18.   Finance Division   •  Joint Secretary &   The  primary  duty  of  the
                                            Financial Adviser  Internal  finance  Division  is
                                         •  Deputy Secretary   tendering financial advice on all
                                            (Finance)          matters  involving  government
                                                               expenditure  and  concurrence
                                                               to  financial  proposals.  It  also
                                                               includes financial advice, budget,
                                                               accounts and internal audit in the
                                                               Ministry. IFD is responsible for
                                                               exercising  expenditure  control
                                                               and   management,    ensuring
                                                               rationalisation  of  expenditure
                                                               and  compliance  of  economy
                                                               measures in accordance with the
                                                               instructions  of  the  Department
                                                               of Expenditure including regular
                                                               monitoring   of   expenditure
                                                               through  monthly/  Quarterly
                                                               reviews  and  submission  of
                                                               reports to the concerned.

                19.   Industrial Safety   •  Joint Secretary   Deals with matters of relating to
                      and Health            (ISH-I & II)       the Mines Act 1952 and Factories
                      Division           •  Deputy Secretary   Act    1948,   Administrative
                                            (ISH-I & II)       matters  relating  to    DGMS  and

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