Page 31 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 31

Organisational Structure, Functions and Mapping of Offices

                 S.   Name of the        Officers’ details             Responsibility
                No.   Division/ Section
                20.   LC and ILAS        •  Joint Secretary (LC  Deputation  of  India’s  tripartite
                      Division              & ILAS)            delegation  to  the  International
                                         •  Director (LC &     Labour      Conference     of
                                            ILAS)              the    International   Labour
                                                               Organisation    (ILO)    held
                                                               annually at Geneva, Switzerland,
                                                               meetings of Governing Body of
                                                               ILO  held  during  March,  June
                                                               and November every year, other
                                                               regional  conferences/  meetings,
                                                               technical/ sectoral meetings and
                                                               seminars of ILO, Examination of
                                                               specific issues on the agenda of
                                                               the  various  Committees  of  the
                                                               Governing Body of the ILO held
                                                               in  March,  June  and  November
                                                               every year and the International
                                                               Labour  Conference  (ILC)  held
                                                               in June every year and deciding
                                                               the  view  to  be  taken  by  the
                                                               Government of India.
                21.   RTI and Legal Cell  •  DDG (RTI & Legal  Nodal Section for receiving and
                                            Cell, Parliament   forwarding  RTI  applications,
                                            Unit, PG)          appointment   of   CPIOs   &
                                         •  Deputy Secretary   Appellate Authorities under RTI
                                            (RTI & Legal Cell)  Act,  2005,  Monitoring  of  Court
                                                               Cases through Legal Information
                                                               Management  Briefing  Systems
                22.   Parliament Unit    •  DDG (RTI & Legal  Parliament Unit of the Ministry is
                                            Cell, Parliament   nodal unit for Parliament related
                                            Unit, PG)          work  of  the  Ministry.  It  works
                                         •  Deputy Secretary   as  a  link  between  the  Ministry
                                            (Parliament Unit)  and  Lok  Sabha,  Rajya  Sabha
                                                               &  Ministry  of  Parliamentary
                23.   Monitoring &       •  DG (Statistics)    Preparation  and  monitoring  of
                      Evaluation Unit    •  Economic Adviser   Output  Outcome  Monitoring
                                            (EA)               Framework  (OOMF)  of  MoLE,
                                         •  Deputy Secretary   preparation  of  material  in
                                            (M & E Unit)       respect  of  MoLE  for  inclusion
                                                               in  Economic  Survey.    Vivrant
                                                               Village Programm of MoLE and

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