Page 68 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 68

Handbook on C on v er genc e: Ministry of Labour and Emplo ymen t
               Handbook on Convergence: Ministry of Labour and Employment

                3.7  Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO)

               EPFO  is  a  Statutory  organisation  under  Ministry  of  Labour  &  Employment
               and  responsible  for  administration  of  the  Employees  Provident  Funds  and
               Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. EPF and MP Act mandates coverage of all
               establishments under its scheduled list of establishments/ factories, employing
               20  or  more  persons,  wherein,  employees  earning  monthly  wages  equal  to  or
               less than Rs. 15,000/- (Basic + DA) have to be mandatorily covered. The Schemes
               for  Provident  Fund,  Pension  and  Deposit  Linked  Insurance  are  implemented
               by the organisation for the benefit of workers covered under the scheme. The
               Organisation is also responsible for administration of Employees Pension Scheme,
               1995 that came into existence on 16.11.1995.

               The benefits admissible under each of the current schemes are as under:

                Provident Funds Scheme    Pension Scheme                Insurance Scheme
                •  Accumulations          •  Monthly pension            •  In the event of
                    plus interest            for members on                premature death
                    upon retirement,         superannuation/retirement     of a member
                    resignation, death.      disability.                   while in service
                •  Partial withdrawals    •  Monthly pension for           an insurance upto
                                                                           Rs. 7 lakhs is
                    for specific expenses    dependents of deceased        payable.
                    such as house            member viz. widow(er),
                    construction, higher     children, parent/nominee.  •  No premium is
                    education marriage,                                    charged to EPF
                    illness etc.                                           members  for this

               Field  network  consists  of  21  Zonal  Offices,  139  Regional  Offices,  113  District
               Offices, 05 SSOs and 04 Service Centres. The field level organisational Chart of
               EPFO is given below: -

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