Page 73 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 73

The Attached, Subordinate, Statutory/Autonomous Organisations of Ministry of Labour and Employment

                Sl.      Benefit         Contributory           Duration            Rate
                No                         Condition
                5.   Permanent        From day one of      For whole life.      90% of
                     Disablement      entering insurable                        average
                     Benefit          employment for                            daily wages.
                                      disablement due to
                                      employment injury.
                6.   Dependents’      From day one of      For life to the      90% of
                     Benefit          entering insurable   widow or until her   average
                                      employment, paid     re-marriage, and to   daily wages
                                      for death due to     dependent son till the  shareable
                                      employment injury.   age of 25 years, till   in fixed
                                                           marriage of daughter   proportion
                                                           and to dependent     among all
                                                           parents etc. Subject to  dependents.
                7.   Maternity        Payment of           Up to 26 weeks in    100% of
                     Benefit          contribution         case of confinement.   the average
                                      of 70 days in        Up to 6 weeks in     daily wages.
                                      two preceding        case of miscarriage.
                                      contribution periods. Extendable by 1
                                                           month on medical
                                                           advice in case of
                                                           sickness arising
                                                           out of Pregnancy,
                8.   Medical Benefit  Reasonable medical   Reasonable medical
                                      facilities for self and   care till he/ she
                                      family from day one   remains in insurable
                                      of entering insurable  employment.
                     OTHER BENEFITS
                9.   Unemployment     In case of           Maximum 24 months    50% of the
                     Allowance        involuntarily loss of   during lifetime.  average
                     (RGSKY)          employment due to                         daily
                                      closure of factory,                       wages for
                                      retrenchment or                           the first 12
                                      permanent invalidity                      months and
                                      due to non-                               thereafter,
                                      employment injury                         25% for last
                                      and the contribution                      12 months.
                                      in respect of him
                                      have been paid/
                                      payable for a
                                      minimum of two
                                      years prior to the
                                      loss of employment.

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