Page 74 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 74

Handbook on Convergence: Ministry of Labour and Employment
               Handbook on C on v er genc e: Ministry of Labour and Emplo ymen t

                Sl.      Benefit         Contributory           Duration            Rate
                No                         Condition
                10.  Atal Bimit Vyakti  In case of         90 days              50% of the
                     Kalyan Yojana    unemployment, cash                        average
                                      compensation is paid                      daily
                                      to the IP subject to                      earning
                                      one year of Service
                                      completed by IP and
                                      contribution for not
                                      less than 78 days
                                      in one contribution
                                      period in 12 months
                                      preceding to
                11.  Confinement      An insured Woman     Up to two            Rs. 7,500/-
                     Expenses         or an I.P. in respect   confinements only.  per case
                                      of his wife is eligible
                                      if confinement
                                      occurs at a place
                                      where necessary
                                      medical facilities
                                      under EI scheme are
                                      not available.
                12.  Funeral          From day one of      For defraying        Actual
                     Expenses         inferring insurable   expenses on the     expenses
                                      employment           funeral of an insured   subject to a
                                                           person.              maximum of
                                                                                Rs 15,000/-
                13.  Vocational       In case of physical   As long as vocational   Actual fee
                     Training         disablement due to   training last.       charged or
                                      employment injury.                        Rs. 123/- a
                                                                                whichever is
                14.  Physical         In case of physical   As long as person   100% of
                     Rehabilitation   disablement due to   is admitted in an    the average
                                      employment injury.   artificial limb centre.  daily wages.
                15.  Vocational       In case of           For a duration of
                     Rehabilitation   Unemployment         maximum 6 months.
                     Skill            Allowance under
                     Development      RGSKY.

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