Page 29 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 29

Organisational Structure, Functions and Mapping of Offices

                 S.   Name of the        Officers’ details             Responsibility
                No.   Division/ Section
                8.    BOCW section       •  Joint Secretary &   Matters  related  to  welfare  of
                                            DG (LW)            Building  &  Other  Construction
                                         •  Deputy Secretary   (BOC) workers.
                9.    Rural workers      •  Joint Secretary &   Matters  related  to  PM-SYM
                      (RW) Cell             DG (LW)            (Pradhan  Mantri  Shram  Yogi
                                         •  Deputy Secretary   Mann-dhan)  and  NPS-Traders
                                                               (National  Pension  Scheme  for
                                            (RW)               Traders   and   Self-Employed
                10.   Welfare-I Section   •  Joint Secretary &   Service  matters  of  Welfare
                                            DG (LW)            Administrators,     Assistant
                                         •  DDG                Welfare        Administrators,
                                                               Assistant  Engineers,  Accounts
                                                               Officers,  Medical  Officers,  in
                                                               all  the  nine  regional  offices  of
                                                               Labour  Welfare  Organisation
                11.   Welfare-II Section   •  Joint Secretary &   Administration        and
                                            DG (LW)            Implementation of Acts & Rules
                                         •  Deputy Secretary   related  to  mine/  cine/  beedi
                                            (Welfare-II)       relating to all the Welfare Funds.
                                                               Inter-State Migrant Workers and
                                                               domestic workers.
                12.   Welfare-III Section   •  Joint Secretary &   Policy/  Amendments/  General
                                            DG (LW)            Aspects  of  various  Housing
                                         •  DDG                Schemes  for  Mine/  Cine/  Beedi
                13.   Welfare-IV Section   •  Joint Secretary &   Schemes  relating  to  Water
                                            DG (LW)            Supply,    Recreation    and
                                         •  DDG                Education  under  Mines/  Cine/
                                                               Beedi Workers Welfare Fund.
                14.   Welfare-V Section   •  Joint Secretary &   Schemes relating to Health under
                                            DG (LW)            all Welfare Funds.
                                         •  DDG
                15.   Coordination       •  Sr. Labour and     Preparation of the Annual Report
                                            Employment         of  the  Ministry,  monitoring  of
                                            Adviser (SLEA)     various portals like e-Samiksha,
                                         •  Deputy Secretary   etc.,  Monthly  DO  letter  from
                                                               Secretary  (L&E)  to  Cabinet
                                            (Coordination)     Secretary,   preparation   of
                                                               monthly report of the Ministry,
                                                               Cabinet notes of other ministries,
                                                               organising   senior   officers
                                                               meeting etc.

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