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Child & Women Labour

Laws related to Industrial Relations
S.No. Title Download
11 Notification of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Rules,(2 june 2017) Download(1.63 MB)pdf
12 Constitution of the Committee for framing of SOP for effective enforcement of the Child and Adolescent Labour (P and R) Act, 1986( 24th April, 2017 ) Download(0.05 MB)pdf
13 Constitution of the Committee for framing of SOP for effective enforcement of the Child and Adolescent Labour (P and R) Act, 1986( 24th April, 2017 ) Download(0.05 MB)pdf
14 Constitution of the Committee for framing of SOP for effective enforcement of the Child and Adolescent Labour (P and R) Act, 1986( 24th April, 2017 ) Download(0.05 MB)pdf
15 Intent Notification for the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Rules,(20 April 2017) Download(1.23 MB)pdf
16 Intent Notification for the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Rules,(20 April 2017) Download(1.23 MB)pdf
17 Intent Notification for the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Rules,(20 April 2017) Download(1.23 MB)pdf
18 Child Labour (16.06.2014 ) Download(12.18 MB)pdf
19 The Central Advisory Committee on Equal Remuneration Rules, (31 july 1991) Download(0.32 MB)pdf
20 Equal Remuneration Rules (Download 97.25 KB) (11.03.1976) Download(0.09 MB)pdf
