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About Parliament Unit


Parliament Unit of the Ministry is nodal unit for Parliament related work of the Ministry. It works as a link between the Ministry and Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha & Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs. The main functions of Parliament Unit are as under:-

  1. Coordination work for Legislative proposals of the Ministry.
  2. Collection/Distribution/forwarding of all the relevant and important Parliament Papers viz. Parliament Questions/ Bills/ Resolutions/ Matters raised under Rule 377 in Lok Sabha and by way of Special Mention in Rajya Sabha/ Assurances/Short Notices Questions/Calling Attention Notices etc. received from Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha Secretariat and Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs to the concerned for further necessary action.
  3. Issuing Calendar of Sittings of Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha/General Instructions for Parliament Session.
  4. Arrangement of Official Gallery Cards/Passes, General Entry Passes and Car Park Labels for entry into the Parliament House/ Samvidhan Sadan/Annexe Building during the Session period.
  5. Liaison with Lok Sabha Sectt/ Rajya Sabha Sectt/Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs in respect of Parliament Questions and other Parliament Matters.
  6. Monitoring of movement of files of Parliament Questions.
  7. Typing of Final Replies of Parliament Questions/Issuing requisite number of copies of replies/Issuing Statement, to be made by the Hon’ble Ministers in Parliament, to Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha Secretariat (LSS/RSS) & Press Information Bureau.
  8. Arranging Briefing Meeting for Starred Questions/Collection of relevant papers for Ministers/Senior Officers and preparation of pad in respect of Starred Questions and other Business in Parliament.
  9. E-mailing of replies to Parliament Questions to LSS/RSS.
  10. Preparation of Duty Rosters of Officers in connection with discussion on President’s Address.
  11. Maintaining/Consolidating Statistical Data of Pending Parliament Assurances in LS/RS.
  12. Sending Quarterly Report to the Ministry of Law regarding delay in framing of Rules under Central Acts.
  13. Compiling Annual Statement of Sub- ordinate Legislations.
  14. Organising Meetings of Consultative Committee attached to Ministry of Labour & Employment, arrangement and circulation of notices, agenda and minutes etc.
  15. Forwarding observations/ recommendations of the Committees on Subordinate Legislation/ Government Assurances & Papers Laid, etc.
  16. To forward all other Parliamentary Matters received from other Ministries/ Departments to Sections.

Officers in Channel

  1. Additional Secretary (L&E)
  2. Deputy Director General
  3. Deputy Secretary
  4. Under Secretary
  5. Section Officer
  6. Parliament Assistant