National Council for Vocational Training-Management Information System Portal
- The Ministry of Labour and Employment has developed NCVT-MIS portal to streamline the functioning of ITIs, Apprenticeship Scheme and assessment/certification of all NCVT training courses.
- All certificates (current academic year onwards) will be issued online as e-certificates.
- The MIS portal will act as a single-window, self-service platform delivering services to current and prospective trainees, employers/establishments, ITIs, State Directorates and DGET.
- ITI data from 10 states has already been uploaded. Hall tickets and mark sheets for the first semester of the current academic year will be generated via the portal.
Skill Development Initiative Portal
- DGET's Skill Development Initiative (SDI) Portal (https://www.sdi.gov.in) has been upgraded to make it more user-friendly, improve control and ensure timely execution of activities. Biometric attendance of trainee and placement tracking and new features
National Career Service
Initiatives in progress
- National Career Service (NCS) is being implemented as a Mission Mode Project by the Ministry to transform the National Employment Service and provide various job-related services such online registration of job seekers and job vacancies as career counselling, vocational guidance, information on skills development courses, internships, apprenticeship, etc.
- The NCS will be supported by a national portal with Call Centre/Helpdesk and a network of delivery channels. The NCS portal is slated to be launched by 31 March 2015.