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Statutory Committees /Boards

Statutory Committees /Boards
S.No. Title Download
1 Committee constituted under Section 12 of the Mines Act, 1952.(Download 1.27 MB) (10.7.2017) Download(1.27 MB)pdf
2 Advisory Committee constituted under Section 9 of the Dock Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare ) Act, 1986(Download 1.64 MB)(8.2.2018) Download(1.64 MB)pdf
3 Board of Mining Examination under the Coal Mines Regulation, 2017.(Download 0.72 MB) (29.04.2024) Download(0.72 MB)pdf
4 Board of Mining examination under the Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961 (Download 0.39 MB)(13.02.2024) Download(0.39 MB)pdf