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Industrial Relations

Laws related to Industrial Relations
S.No. Title Download
1 Draft Rules Industrial Relations (Central) Recognition of Negotiating Union or Negotiating Council & Adjudication of Disputes of the Trade Unions Rules, 2021 (pre-published) Download(0.26 MB)pdf
2 The Model Standing Order for Manufacturing Sector & Mining Sector,2020 (pre-published) Download(0.57 MB)pdf
3 The Model Standing Order.2020 for Service Sector (pre-published) Download(0.38 MB)pdf
4 Industrial Relations Code, 2020 No. 35 of 2020 (28 Sep 2020) Download(0.43 MB)pdf
5 The Model Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Bill, 2016 Download(0.60 MB)pdf
6 Industrial Relations Code, 2020 (31 Dec 2020) Download(0.38 MB)pdf
7 Draft Industrial Relations Rules, 2020 (Pre-publish) Download(0.66 MB)pdf
8 Railway Servants (Hours of Work and Period of Rest) RULES, 2005 Download(0.11 MB)pdf
9 The Sales Promotion Employees (Condition of Service) Act, 1976 Download(0.40 MB)pdf
10 The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961 Download(0.28 MB)pdf
