Page 94 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 94

Handbook on Convergence: Ministry of Labour and Employment

                5.1  SOP-1: SOP for Updation of Digital Map of Offices of the
                      Ministry – Field level Directory

               I.    Purpose & introduction

               For  better  exchange  of  information,  joint  programmes,  redressal  of  workers
               grievances, and for awareness of citizen’s regarding availability of services it is
               important that data of all the offices should be readily available.
               II.   Scope
               It  applies  to  all  verticals  of  the  Ministry  including  its  subordinate/  attached/
               autonomous bodies.

               III.   Responsibility
               The IT Cell of the Ministry has compiled the current directory of offices. It will
               continue to collect, compile data of all offices/ hospital/ dispensaries/ centres etc.
               which are run under the MoLE and ensure updation of the digital map.

               IV.   Specific Procedure
               a)    The Heads of all verticals including its subordinate/ attached/ autonomous
                     bodies should update any change in the location of or addition to their
                     offices in their respective regions in the prescribed format as per V below
                     to the IT Cell of the Ministry and inform by email –
               b)    Email should be sent from the official email ID of the concerned Head of
                     Office/ Head of Department.

               c)    Frequency of update- Monthly on or before 25 th
               d)    IT Cell shall compile all changes/ additions and ensure updation of the
                     database as well as the digital map of the Ministry by 7  of the subsequent
               V.    Forms/ Templates to be used
               The email should contain the details of any change in the location of or addition
               to their offices in format below:

                Type of update                     Change in existing office or New Office
                Address of Office
                Pin Code
                Mobile of Nodal Officer/ PRO
                Email of Nodal Officer or PRO
                Geocode of location – Latitude and
                Longitude if known
                Organisation                       EPFO/ ESIC/ DGMS/ CLC/ DGLW/ DGE etc
                Regional Office (location)

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