Page 97 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 97

Achieving Convergence through Collaboration and Joint Initiatives

               d)    Discussing actionable information arising from Inspection Reports or
                     visit reports: Participants should discuss actionable information arising
                     from  their  regular  inspection  reports  or  visit  reports  that  may  have
                     relevance for other verticals or actions emanating from inspections done
                     by the verticals in the previous/ current month. Sharing of such data and
                     analysis would be mutually beneficial to all verticals. These reports should
                     document observations, outcomes, challenges, and recommendations to
                     facilitate learning and accountability.

               e)    Planning  Joint  Training  Programs  at  the  Field  Level:  Joint  training
                     programs should be planned to improve the skillset and knowledge of
                     participants from different verticals. These programs promote teamwork
                     and equip employees to handle complex tasks effectively. It needs to be
                     made  sure  that  in  case  any  trainings/  lectures/  conferences  generic  in
                     nature like administrative aspects, leadership, communication skills, etc.
                     are organised by any vertical, the same is attended by participants of all
                     other  verticals.  Before  inviting  any  outside  expert  for  talk/  discussion/
                     lecture, the availability of same within other verticals may be explored
                     during the Monthly meetings. The training calendar for the current and
                     next month should be finalised.
                      (Action: All concerned verticals)

               f)    Inviting  other  verticals  in  events/  functions:  The  events/  functions
                     planned to be held in coming months may be discussed during the monthly
                     meetings. The other verticals should be invited to these events/ functions
                     and as per the requirement, necessary infrastructure may also be shared
                     for the events. DTNBWED will be responsible for mobilising beneficiaries
                     for these events. EPFO will invite all verticals for its regular ‘Nidhi aapke
                     nikat’ meetings as feasible. Such events can also be planned at construction
                     sites to enable convergence for worker welfare across verticals.
                     (Action: EPFO, DTNBWED and All verticals)
               g)    Planning  Actionable  Work  for  the  Benefit  of  Unorganised  Workers:
                     The participating verticals should collectively plan actionable work that
                     benefits  unorganised  workers.  This  may  include  organising  awareness
                     campaigns,  skill  development  programs  and  welfare  initiatives.  Such
                     activities  should  be  convened  with  participation  from  all  verticals.  The
                     DTNBWED, wherever available, may take lead in organising the same. In
                     absence of DTNBWED, EPFO/ ESIC/ CLC (in the same order) may take the
                     (Action: DTNBWED, EPFO, ESIC, CLC and other verticals)
               h)    Creating  and  updating  a  Common  Group:  Establishing  a  common
                     group of Senior Officers of all participating verticals will enable instant
                     communication,  updates,  and  coordination  for  monthly  meetings,  joint

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