Page 98 - Handbook on Convergence of Service
P. 98

Handbook on Convergence: Ministry of Labour and Employment

                     inspections, and other activities. EPFO will take lead on creating Common
                     group including email and make it sure that all verticals are included in
                     this group and will designate the admins for the group. The respective
                     Admins of each vertical shall be responsible to ensuring regular updates
                     of changes in Officers due to transfers or retirements etc.
                     (Action: EPFO & All verticals)
               I)    Share information on accidents
                     All relevant verticals should coordinate for entitlements and benefits in
                     case of any accident within that region/state. The sharing of information in
                     case of accidents should help beneficiaries through a coordinated effort.
                     A module has been prepared on Shram Suvidha Portal (SSP) to capture
                     accident data on a real time basis. For this purpose it should be ensured
                     that the first responder of any agency should ensure that the employer fills
                     out all details of the accident on the Shram Suvidha Portal (refer Annexure
                     for the Form).
                     Employer shall report the accident on SSP in the prescribed format, whenever
                     an accident occurs which causes death or injury in any establishment. The
                     Shram Suvidha Portal, on finding such instances, shall send a notification
                     to the concerned officer of EPFO/ ESIC/ CLC/ DGMS through portal, SMS
                     and email. The organisation concerned will take necessary action as per laid
                     down procedure. Detailed accident form should be filled as per Annexure
                     1 on the Shram Suvidha Portal. Thereafter the organisation concerned will
                     take necessary action as per their laid down procedure.
                     (Action: EPFO, ESIC, CLC)
               J)    Planning and undertaking joint tours
                     Officers  should  discuss  and  plan  joint  tours  of  their  offices  including
                     training  centers  within  the  region/state  on  a  regular  basis.  Such  tours
                     should be planned in advance and if found feasible, the travel may be
                     coordinated using shared vehicles.
               K)    Action  taken  report  of  previous  meetings:  The  action  taken  report  of
                     previous  meeting,  particularly  the  open  action  points  of  all  previous
                     meetings, should be invariably discussed in each monthly meeting. In this
                     regard, a common working sheet of actionable points/ pending issues may
                     be prepared by EPFO starting from first meeting and share the same with
                     all  verticals  through  email.  Each  vertical  while  organising  the  monthly
                     meeting (on rotation), will coordinate and update the working sheet as
                     per the discussions held in the meeting.
                     (Action: EPFO and Convening verticals)
               V.    Forms/ Templates to be used

               Form for reporting of Accident on the Shram Suvidha Portal (refer Annexure 1
               for the Form).

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