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Office Orders

Seniority list of CLS Officers
S.No. Office Order Title Download
76 19-19 Transfer Posting of CLS officers (04/06/2019) 896.83 KB
77 18-19 Additional Charge of CLS Officers reg. (4 june 2019) 1.41 MB
78 17-19 Additional Charge of CLS Officer (4 june 2019) 1.49 MB
79 16-19 Additional Charge of CLS Officers reg. (25 may 2019) 1.41 MB
80 06-19 Promotion Order of Smt. Shashi Negi from JAG NFSG to SAG Grade of CLS and posted as DDG(HQ) in O/o DGLW New Delhi.(04/03/2019) 1.32 MB
81 05-19 Promotion-cum-Posting/Transfer Order of CLS Officers Reg. (28 feb 2019) 1.41 MB
82 04-2019 Grant of Non-funcitonal Up-gradation(NFU) of Shri A.A. Khan Junior Administrative Grade (NFSG) to next Higher Grady pay.(17 feb 2019) 228.93 KB
83 03-19 Additional Charge of CLS Officer reg. (6 feb 2019) 1.53 MB
84 02-2019 Promotion-cum-Posting/Transfer Order of JAG NFSG to SAG Grade of CLS Reg. (01/02/2019) 271.36 KB
85 29 (Dt-28/12/2018) Promotion Order of Shri Rajan Verma, CLS as Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) 235.04 KB
86 28-18 NFSG of CLS Officers (19/12/2018) 1.47 MB
87 26 of 2018 Transfer Posting of CLS officers (26/11/2018) 219.03 KB
88 23-18 Additional Charge of CLS Officer reg. (8 oct 2018) 709.3 KB
89 22-2018 Additional Charge of the post of CLC (C) (Ms. Anuradha Prasad, AS) (17/09/2018) 1.33 MB
90 21-18 Additional Charge of CLS Officer reg. (17 july 2018) 761.91 KB
