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Office Orders

Seniority list of CLS Officers
S.No. Office Order Title Download
151 Additional Charge of the post of CLC (C) (Sh. P.P. Mitra, PLEA) (2 dec 2014) 159.29 KB
152 Posting/Transfer of JTS Officers of CLS (19 sep 2014) 42.42 KB
153 Grant of NFU to JAG (NFSG) to next Higher Grade Pay( 9 Sep 2014) 46.3 KB
154 Non-Functional Selection Grade (NFSG) to JAG OF CLS Officers (5 sept 2014) 1.03 MB
155 Posting/Transfer of JAG Officers of CLS On Promotion.( 29 Aug 2014) 787.23 KB
156 Promotion cum Posting of Shri. V.K. Khare(27 Aug 2014) 794.08 KB
157 Transfer/Posting of JTS Officer of CLS (22 Aug 2014) 1.43 MB
158 Transfer/Posting of STS Officer. (Smt. Aseema Mishra) 140.64 KB
159 Transfer/Posting of STS Officers of CLS. (Sh. Amarkant Goyal)(3 Mar 2014) 1.01 MB
160 Posting/Transfer of STS Officers of CLS.(3 March 2014) 1.93 MB
161 Posting/Transfer of JAG Officers of CLS.(3 Mar 2014) 1.74 MB
162 Posting /Transfer of Officers of CLS (28 Feb 2014) 1.52 MB
163 Reversion of Sh. Amarkant Goyal (1 Jan 2014) 183.89 KB
164 Transfer posting of JAG of CLS officers (1 Jan 2014) 410.82 KB
165 Transfer posting of STS of CLS officers (1 jan 2014) 392.15 KB
